Soulbound - an Elder Races RPG

General Rules and How Tos

General Rules and How Tos
« on: September 22, 2017, 11:16:35 PM »
Welcome to Soulbound!

This is a place designed to be a fun-RP environment, for interactions, connections, and entertainment. For those already familiar with RP, welcome! For those less versed in the world of RP, welcome also! We’ve been where you are, and we know that it can be almost intimidating setting out on your first foray. For that reason, we’ve laid out a nice and easy for you here (link).

Here are some simple keep-tos and don’t-dos we’ve pulled together to ensure that Soulbound remains safe and enjoyable.

Keep it friendly!
We know that not everybody sees eye to eye 100%, but for the purposes of keeping Soulbound the kind of place people want to be, don’t be an asshole. Simple! If you have an issue with someone, and you want to get a second opinion on their treatment of you, or you want to go right ahead and report them, please come to one of the admins. We are here to help, and if you’re the one being an asshole… Well. Good luck with that.

Keep it semi-clean!
Nobody minds a touch of swearing here and there. It’s justified in some circumstances, even. Heck, what would life be without a cursory F-bomb now and then? But we do ask that posts aren’t laden with profanity, and that you don’t use vulgar or offensive language at anyone else, unless it’s part of a scene and all players are ok with it. Excessive use of cursing will be moderated, and that’s no fun for anyone to have to do.

In the same vein, we’re all for some steamy scenes or gory scenes, but again, we ask that you try and keep it so that everyone can enjoy reading your work, or stick to PM if you do need to get hot and heavy or bring out the graphic violence. Should it be necessary that your posts be public and profane for the purposes of story, please mark your thread with “mature content” so as not to offend unnecessarily.

Be creative!
There are no word-limits, but we don’t want generic word-vomit. Everybody wants to see good quality creativity, so let your words flow, but keep them meaningful, and keep them open to responses (unless, of course, it’s a closed thread). If you want to RP, you want to keep your options for responses open, and allow the diversity to shine through. Share your creativity, but make sure others can share theirs with you, too.

Remember: You are not a god
No god-modding. Concise. Character killing is only allowed with express consent from the other player(s), and those breaking this rule will be suspended or banned, and posts in violation of this rule will be deleted without warning. You are in control of your character only. Allow other players to respond in their own way.

And finally…
If you do have a problem, please don’t feel you can’t approach us. There’s more than one admin for a reason. If you have an issue with one, approach another. We’re here to fix the broken sockets and replace the light bulbs, and ensure that everyone has a fun, imaginative time - Don’t be silent if you need something, we don’t always bite (unless you want us to), and we’re always willing to try and help.